Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Imbolic 2011

How are your New Year's Resolutions going?  Mine are going; getting there.  I have decided that resolutions are to be eased into and hopefully by the end of the year they have integrated into your daily life.  Almost every customer at my work who began ordering Skinny Lattes, which have 115 calories (no one thought to move to a skinny cappuccino with 58 calories), are back to their daily Latte, which have 128 calories.  I can rant on and on about dieting, but I won't (right now at least).

I love taking the Pagan out of Imbolic and just thinking of it as a Resolution check point (I thought I had wrote a blog on this last year but as it happens I only did in 2010).   Only part one of my resolutions are important at the moment.  The rest of my list were things that would be good to do, but weren't really resolutions per se.

I am going to try to change my laziness.  In order to do this I have a couple of resolutions that are directly related.
  • Stop walking over crap on the floor.  If I come upon something on the floor that shouldn't be there, I will pick it up, throw it in the bin, or put it away.  At least get it off the floor.
  • Stop throwing clothes on the floor.  This includes my jacket when I walk in the door.
  • At night, do a basic pick up and get the Sprout to help.
I am doing a much better job of not walking over things that need to be picked up.  I am still not perfect, but I have always been a believer in my Auntie Lish's advice,: "If you pass something more than three times, the item becomes invisible".  At the moment I may pass something two times but will pick it up on the third.  I am hoping to pick up the "never leave a room empty handed" habit, but first I need to get organized.

I am finally on my vacation, which I was forced to take as the tax year ends soon and "if you don't use it, you loose it".  So I closed my eyes and picked a date, and then my boss said "no, you can't have that date" so I gave another date, and so on, until we worked it out.  Anyway, I am hoping to get some low budget organizing done.

I was doing really well not throwing my clothes on the floor, but I recently hit a little bump.   I will start again tomorrow when I do my weekly upstairs deep clean.

The basic pick up thing has yet to start.  I usually put the Sprout's toys in a box at night, but not always.  And he usually isn't around to help.  He will help if asked though, it is very cute.  During my break, I am going to go through all of his toys and clothes and sort it all out.

I know that to most people, these resolutions look easy, but they aren't to me and my personality.  As my mom always said, I leave a "slug trail," and boy is this true. Before the Sprout was about, I had turned into quite the good house-wife, but I easily turned into a cluttered mess and now I can't find anything and I get horribly frustrated.  These three resolutions are based on bad habits that I easily default to if not checked (kinda like looking at the keys when you type), so if I ace these things, I know I will be much happier.

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