If you had to make a living by creating art, what would you do?
There are so many things I like to do that could be considered art. I love to knit and sew. I LOVE cross stitch (black stitch is my favourite) but I haven't done much lately. My new thing is patchwork and small crafts. The only problem is that all of these things need hands to do tiny movements and recently my hands haven't been working so well.
I love making a mess. I love puddle jumping with my son. I love throwing mud about and being muddy. I think I could do mud art. Mud...Jackson Pollock style. Mud...living art style.
Oh how fun. I guess I could throw in some gardening and do some kind of landscape/mud art. Gardening and mud art.
Why am I not a pottery artist, that would be perfect.
Oh, there we go...pottery (for the mud) gardening. Make the pots and fill it with a landscape garden. Perfect!
Mud art, love it!
what's going on with your hands?
Don't know yet. They think I might have a trapped nerve. My arms have been falling asleep and having a burning cold sensation, it started when I was at my mom's. My fingers are almost always numb. I had electrical stimulation test, where they hooked my arms up to electrical pads and then they would shock them to see how my nerves are functioning. I have a feeling they didn't find anything.
It is worse at night, so it doesn't affect work too much, but I think work affects it. It improves with Chiropractic adjustments, but it comes back.
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