Monday, November 7, 2011

I have had a little one for 2 years and we are still trying to figure out how we are supposed to balance husband/wife time with parent time.  Luckily, we both have the kind of jobs where there isn't much to bring home except all the stress that has formed through out the day, and the physical exhaustion that comes with it.  

The Sprout is a huge job.  At 2 he wants 100% of my attention 200% of the time, and when he goes to bed, I want to go to bed.  I think Richard and I spend about 2 hours alone together each day and then I go to bed.  Those 2 hours are usually filled with watching TV or browsing the internet or maybe I actually do some sewing.  The last time Richard and I spent REAL time together was in June when we drove to the Washington Coast for the day while my dad looked after the Sprout.

I am stuck in marathon mode.  As soon as the Sprout hits the pillow, I am off doing all the house work I can before he wakes up.  At night it is the same, only I feel that if I don't get to sleep then I won't be sleeping.  Not only am I not paying attention to Richard, but I give no time to myself.

However, yesterday we went into Bradford to go to the book store (Waterstone's) to get the Sprout some books with his birthday money.  The Sprout has little experience in stores because I get everything on-line.  He was everywhere, which I knew he would be.  It was such a good idea to have Richard and me go together.  Richard went after the Sprout whist I looked for books (we ended up with Fox's Socks, Rabbit's Nap, and The Odd Egg).  Then we went up to my old work (Kirkgate Costa).  We got to see Santa's reindeer!  Then we went back to Shipley to have Sunday Dinner.  The Sprout was really good (although all over the place).  No real tantrums.  It was so nice to do something as a family.

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