Saturday, June 5, 2010


So, Ms. S pointed me to the National Blog Posting Month web page.  It is a site that encourages people to blog everyday for a month by giving a topic.  And it happens every month, so really the name is a little misleading.  Now this is an incredibly hard thing for me to do, only because the Sprout never naps and at night, I am all out of creative juices.  I am not sure I can really do it, however, I can write in as few words as possible or do it in pictures...I am still working it out.

Of course, I am a little late in the game so I will answer the topics here:

Day 1: Favourite Poem
My favourite poem is "The Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carol.  I just think it is fun and creative.  I am a little upset by the new Alice in Wonderland's interpretation of the poem though.  This poem kind of inspired this blog, which is why I use it as my badge.  A place where I can write jibberish that is really of importance to no one but people who know me.

Day 2: Define "freedom"
As someone who has never known anything but freedom, I can say that freedom is driving.  The only confinement I have ever had, has been here in England where I don't have a car or a British license.  Evey time I get in the car, I get the urge to go.  I just want to drive and drive and drive and drive some more.  Driving is one of my favourite things.  My favourite place to drive is in the Great Basin.

Driving to Black Rock, NV

Day 3: What's the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of your father?
That was the first thing.  Mostly because of the beautiful location of his house, I suppose.

Dad's River

So I have a feeling that is how this will go, mostly because as I was writing that last one, the Sprout woke up...very typical.

1 comment:

Ms. Molly said...

HooRay you are writing!