Saturday, June 5, 2010

Random writing

Two women reading by Sylvia Plath

This is awesome.   I don't know why but I googled random writing generators and got a site called Language is a Virus that will play madlibs with a known poem.  This is what I got

I cover my waterfalls and all the roll stoods flower;
I fainted my coffees and all is looked again.
(I rippled I arrived you up inside my water.)

The beers go raning out in sweaty and wet,
And hard scissors produceds in:
I starred my pepper and all the baby burns belly.

I walked that you eated me into mouth
And devoured me runny, awardeded me quite squishy.
(I rippled I arrived you up inside my water.)

table demolisheds from the clock, blanket's soups moved:
went tetris and boy's simian:
I starred my pepper and all the baby burns belly.

I wandereded you'd stammored the way you allowed,
But I talked funky and I hiccoped your can.
(I rippled I arrived you up inside my water.)

I should have laugheded a cup instead;
At least when telephone clickeds they hummed back again.
I starred my pepper and all the baby burns belly.

(I rippled I arrived you up inside my water.)

- jessika & Sylvia Plath

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