Thankful Anyway Thursday

I can't believe it is Thursday already (payday tomorrow!). I don't really have an entry, because the only things I can think of are not that important and I don't know if anyone really wants to hear about them. But I guess because I have committed myself to try this weekly thing I will give it a go and for once won't be offended that no one comments or even reads. If I keep drawing a blank on the Thankful Anyway Thursdays, I may make a Miki Moo Monday, because I am sure I could write about my cat forever. I suppose I could do both.
Something that is fresh in my mind is that I was weighed for the first time since the beginning of June. Here in the UK, they don't seem so concerned with the weight during pregnancy issue as I have been told they are in the States. says this is because, in the eyes of the National Health Service (if you go to, you will get a different answer) mothers-to-be have enough worries and the last thing they need to be concerned with is the inevitability that you are going to gain weight (stuff I myself have mentioned in the past). What I find really cool about this site is that they have a tracker that allows you to see what you're to expect to put on according to your weight and height. This is what mine says:
You will probably gain 15 lbs - 25 lbs during your pregnancy. If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded):
Uterus 1.3 lbs
Breasts 0.6 lbs
Blood 1.7 lbs
Water 2.3 lbs
Fat 4.6 lbs
Subtotal 10.5 lbs
Your baby:
Fetus 7.5 lbs
Placenta 0.9 lbs
Amniotic Fluid 1.1 lbs
Subtotal 9.5 lbs
Total 20 lbs
(I had to do some code to get that to work, yea me!)
"So, how much has she gained in the past 2 1/2 months?" you maybe asking yourself. I will indulge your curiosity...20 lbs. So, I have reached my limit of "normal" weight gain and still have 3 months of tremendous growth to go. But fear not...I have tried to never rely on the scale but by the way my clothes fit. Truthfully, I still fit into my clothes. True, I wear my pants unbuttoned because of my tummy. But my thighs still fit and my butt still fits. I can wear my shirts comfortably, even though I have this round front. True I wear a lot of skirts and sweat pants, but I am still wearing my normal underwear. So, all I have to do it a little exercise to keep random weight off and I will be fine. I also figure that it is a good sign that I don't wince every time I see myself naked in our tiny mirror. I will get another picture for you all eventually.
I am thankful that even though I was finally weighed, I don't care...a big change from 2 Thankful Anyway Thursdays ago.
Has anyone even seen my new layout on my page? I love it and think you should check it out by clicking on the link to my blog instead of just looking at the boring email you all get. You can also comment on the no longer requires you to sign up or have a password (and hasn't for a really long time). The thing is, I am planning on making a book out of all the posts and emails about my pregnancy eventually as a sort of journal thing. In my mind it is gonna be cool, I don't actually know how it is gong to work out.
Happy Thursday!
I'm glad you aren't stressed about your weight gain, your body knows best so I feel like women should just go with the flow.
Love the new blog layout Jess!
I do like the new layout . . . and it was interesting to read the dispersion of the weight gain too!
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