Miki in her hidy-hole
Miki is one of the most entertaining cats I have ever had (sorry Ernie). She is mean and feisty, but loves to hang out and be with Richard and me. She is not much for being petted, but loves to sit on you lap. She is reaching the age of 2, and is still curious about everything. I have never had a cat who "talks the talk," but is still learning "walk the walk."
Miki on the day I brought her home (6 weeks old)
I promised myself I would never purchase a kitten from a pet shop (kitten mills and all) but I was so desperate for a kitten and the policies at the rescue centre required that my home have an exit to the outside world (including a cat flap), which I did not have at the time because we were living in a tiny apartment. Down the street there was a pet store. It is a dirty pet store and I have no idea how it stays open. I had read up on how to choose a kitten to make sure it isn't sickly, one of those is a kitten who is lively and free from goo coming from their eyes and nose. She was the most lively kitten there. Outspoken and climbing the bars to get to me, it was a no brainer, she was the one. Later I would learn these can be the most annoying traits to have in a cat.
Miki on her stairs
While we were living in our tiny apartment in the Bradford City Centre, she was a house cat and seemed perfectly content. She only ran to the door to say "good-bye" and greet us when we came home. She only tried to escape a couple of times only to find the hallway to be a scary place. Now that we live in Shipley with a garden, she has warmed to the idea of being outside, as long as she has her hidy-hole within reach, the back door is open and she has full view of the entrances to her little garden.
In our new house, we found a huge cat population with a distinct hierarchy that seems to work, with little conflict that needs to be solved through violence. The first couple of weeks was spent being introduced the other cats through the fence with little argument. We came to find that the cats who frequented our garden in the cold days of late winter and early spring disappeared from our side of the fence once Miki started being outside. At first some of the top cats came by to say "hi," coming up to the porch and letting her growl at them as almost to say "go a head, let it all out." They never swatted or put their ears back in disgust at her behaviour, but were patient and calm.
I have never witnessed the workings of a cat society. I have always lived in the woods where territory included a half an acre or more and stray cats who came onto the territory were met by hostility or full on attacks leading to vet bills. This has been the most interesting part of my Summer, watching the relationships of the cats in the neighbourhood.
Recently there have been a couple of new cats that have come sniffing around, and Miki gets to test her authority and protect her domain. Again these cats are merely curious and non-threatening, however, Miki's house cat training has made her a bit more scared of other cats rather than territorial. When I am present, she is more likely to growl and refrain from running away, however when I observe her from the kitchen, she often retreats to her hidy-hole while growling, allowing the cats to wander onto her porch and into the house.
This has been an interesting turn in her personality. She is more afraid and wary of other cats than she is of humans. However, something I did notice this morning proved that she is growing in terms of her self esteem. There is an orange cat 2 doors down named Tiger and he has frequented our fence since we have lived here. He usually keeps his distance and has therefore allowed Miki to become acquainted with him and allowed her to study his movements. Tiger was determined to use our alley-way this morning and came barreling down the top of the fence from his house. Miki did not run into her hidy-hole, but gave a short, low grumble (she reminds me of a little old man) and ran toward him down our stairs to meet him as he touched the ground. Tiger, gave out a terrified scream (totally over reacted since there was no contact from Miki) and jumped back up onto the fence and returned home. I was so proud and was convinced that she had been listening to me. For the past couple of weeks I have been telling her that she needed to stick up for herself and defend her territory.
But now we have a new hurdle...a dog has moved in next door...a young Alsatian. His owner assures me that his dog has been beaten into submission by their two cats (who have been retired to the house cat life, so we don't have to deal with that). She is also afraid of the new people who sit on her other porch, grumbling as she comes inside. I know she will warm to the new neighbours, but I am sure it will take some time.

Miki walking along the fence displaying the grace taught to her by one of the other cats in the neighbourhood. She has only been to the neighbour's yard two times that I have witnessed.
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