For 9 months now I have been making coffee at Costa Coffee in Leeds and Bradford. I say all the time that I hate my job. Most of this is a pride issue I have to admit, having a Master's diploma was supposed to afford me the opportunity to have a full time job in my field. In the UK at the moment, the archaeological community has been hit especially hard, there are no jobs for technicians here...I mean none. We all know that this year I was blessed to get 2 seasonal job offers from the U.S. Forest Service, but the Sprout had other plans for me this summer.
Anyway, Costa has a competition for Batista's and I am entering it. It will give me something to look forward to, make me feel important (even if I do badly) and it will be fun. I tend to need goals and I haven't had any for awhile.
The thing is, there are elements to my job that I really like. I have yet to work with someone I don't like or can't stand and I enjoy talking to customers. I have also moved up the ranks to Team Leader with a raise on the way, so I get to feel like I am in charge. It can be relaxed and the schedules are not set in stone, so if you have something to do, you tell the boss and the schedule is fixed as long as there is some warning. At the moment my main reason for staying at Costa is because of the maternity leave benefits that I get even though I am part time (though I have been reading that this is the law of the land). I get 90% of my pay for 9 months and they have to keep my position for a year. So at the moment that is worth staying since I have student loans to pay off.
In other news...On Wednesday I will be 15 weeks pregnant...I can't believe that. When you are counting time in weeks, it goes by fast. Next week I will be having a large needle stuck into my belly to have a Triple test done. This sounds really menacing.
So far I have made a new born size sweater and a pair of booties for the Sprout.
Richard and I finally found the heart beat last week and it was really cool and exciting. I went into see the midwife on Wednesday and she had me listen to the heart beat, which was funny because since I had already heard it, I wasn't nearly as excited as she may have been expecting me to be.
The weather finally warmed up and we have been able to have the doors and windows open. Miki has been doing much exploring and even meeting more of the neighbour cats who seem to really like out yard. Miki has done an exceptionally good job of not letting one fly who enters the house live. She is instantly on the case and is able to exterminate with extreme prejudice, catching, mauling and then eating every one of them who doesn't find the door first. I gotta get a video of her doing it, it is so funny to watch.
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