It is now a month until my birthday. Emma pointed out to me about a month ago that I will never get presents that are for me and only me again...so...I urge those of you who are going to buy me birthday presents...to buy ME birthday presents. I hope this isn't an odd request. Most of you maybe asking, "okay then, what do you want?" my answer..."Clothes. Money for clothes" I haven't bought myself fun clothes for over a year. I know it is a little strange because I will be buying clothes for a body that I will not be keeping (hopefully), but it is summer, and there are a lot of cute hippy dresses and shirts that I could most likely wear regardless of my tummy.
Another suggestion is money for a sewing machine...I really want a sewing machine.
Now for stuff Molly wants to know (I think this is going to be a regular section):
13 weeks!!!
- I don't get sick nearly as often, it is strange how all of that happens so suddenly, but it is still along the lines of if I get out of bed too fast or move around too fast...or eat yogurt (I don't know what the sprout has against yogurt), I get sick.
- I have the worst "pulling" pains in my pubic symphysis. I would say worse than cramps and they make me yell, and then they are gone, so it makes for funny conversation at work. I read the pain is a result of ligaments stretching out and internal organs moving around.
- Richard bought me a fetal doppler so we can hear the sprout's heartbeat...we have yet to hear it, but soon.
- I have decided that I want to carry on the aqua/red colour combination for the baby (if we ever have a nursery)...I am going to try to make a simple quilt with all the cool aqua/red material I acquired from my grandmother while I am at home...the key words being "try" and "simple."
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