Monday, September 12, 2011

Britmom's prompt of the week

Ok so maybe if I do another one of those prompting sites I will write more.  For the most part it isn't that I have nothing to say, but more about the time and effort, and that horrible feeling when you find out you have wasted a whole nap on the computer.

So, here is the Britmom prompt of the week:

 "If I could start my blog over, I would...."
  • What might you do differently?
  • Would you choose a different url?
  • Would you change your blogging platform?
  • What would your header look like?
  • What technology related gagets/widgets/etc would you employ?
  • Would you leave everything the same?
Luckily I have had the opportunity to start a new, 2 times actually, once with my original site "Jessika in Nevada," and then with this one which the original title was "Jessika Lives Here."

"Jessika Lives Here" was pre-Sprout and was about living in England and all about my thoughts and feelings about things.  "But I Digress..." is post Sprout and is mostly about being a new parent and the stuff that goes along with that.  All of my sites have focused on letting my friends and family know what is going on, and if someone random happens to come across the site, COOL, but it isn't my main purpose.  I don't think I would change my platform because I write what I know.

I may have changed who puts out my blog (blogger vs. wordpress) because other sites let you have more control on the way the site looks, but then I would spend more time on the way it looks rather than the content of the blog.

So really, I wouldn't change anything.  I like the background, the legs with the striped socks and the coffee mug...that is me to a T.  The one thing I don't like is the way it sites a website, I have to put it in bold and underlined so you know it is a site.

Well that is a pretty lame entry, but it only took 15 min, and that is a good start to get me going again.

1 comment:

Karin @ BritMums said...

We're loving that people are, for the most part, saying that they wouldn't change ANYTHING! That's great to hear! ;)
Thanks so much for taking part in the BritMums Blogging Prompt!

:) Karin