Saturday, September 10, 2011

My big boy!!!

It has been a week since we took one of the sides off of the Sprout's cot-bed and he is doing an awesome job.

We decided to take the side off because the Sprout was wanting to play in his bed more often and I was tired of putting him in and taking him out. He also decided he didn't want to use a sleep sack and started putting covers on himself; copying how Richard and I sleep in bed.   We were also hoping that he may play in his room by himself in the morning.  Unfortunately, that hasn't happened, but that is ok because we have no problems putting him to bed at night or putting him down for naps.

The first and second nights we had a small amount of resistance when bed time came because he was so excited to be able to get in and out of his own bed.  We stuck to the Supernanny technique and we only ended having to put him in his bed 3 times at the most those 2 days.  The Supernanny technique is the same as when you let your child cry it out.  When the child gets out of his bed the first time you tell them it is time for bed and you put them back.  Then on subsequent times you quickly put him back in his bed with no talking or any kind of communication.  And you do it until they stay.  Yes, you maybe up all night doing this but eventually they know you mean business.  Luckily we didn't need to do it for hours, it only took 3 times and 2 days and now he puts himself to bed.  I think he does feel like a big boy, and every night I am sure to tell him how proud of him I am for being able to stay in his bed.

On the first night, it became apparent that he needed a guard rail because he rolled out of bed.  He barely noticed he was so sleepy.  So we got a rail and he has been fine.  We also put a baby gate on his door, that way, we don't have to worry about him wandering the house in the middle of the night (I did not like the idea of shutting his door all the way because he can't reach the handle).  I don't really think he would do that; he is more likely to wander into our room.  However, if we were to leave the computer room door open, he would bee line for it.

He put himself down for a nap the other day.  I was in the kitchen and realized he had disappeared.  I went upstairs thinking I would find him playing, (we moved all his toys to his room), and he had gotten under his covers and was lying down...So cute!

So my little baby is becoming a little man, talking can't be too far behind.

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