Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One month

Were sorry... your LOL cat has crashed  Wait to reboot for 15 min plse

I am so excited because in one month I will be on a plane home.  Words can't describe how happy I am about that.

In spite of that, on May 5th (I know it was this day because we started having to wear flourecent pink or green shirts at work, horrible) the weather in Britain turned dramatically from warm, sunny, 70 degree weather to low 60s and grey.  In other words the season went from Winter to Summer and now Spring.  It doesn't make any sense and we all fear that we just had our Summer.  I must say that my mood has dramatically gone down hill since the weather turned.  I am tired and fed up, I even walked out of a shift at work last week after and altercation with a customer (my boss caught me and we had a half-an-hour heart to heart and now he is helping me find archy jobs, which is really nice of him).

Even though I am tired and always feel like I am on the move with the Sprout and I really just want everyone to "give me a moment!!!," I am enjoying the Sprout's age.  Yes, he throws tantrums, and yes, he is only controllable when he is sucking on a binki, but he is snugly (he gives kisses, nuzzles and hugs) and smiley and interested in everything.  I swear he intentionally does funny and sweet things to make me feel better.  Despite the weather, we are outside most of the time.  I can't bring myself to make him stay inside, and let's face it, I love being outside.  I love seeing him learn (he woofs at dogs, hugs Richard on command, huffs when he sits down because that is what I do and knows all of the hiding spots for the binki) and it is hilarious to watch him with other kids (they look like little people).But again, most of the time I just want to be given a moment.  I need a moment to breathe, a moment to sit down, a moment to clear my head. A moment not to be touched, poked or prodded. I don't want to clean, or be on the internet; cook or snuggle.  I just need everyone to WAIT!!!

I noticed all this has come about not only because of the weather, but because I had to end my driving lessons because I ran out of money (I won't lie, I am also extremely worried about debt).  I loved driving.  I loved what it made my head do.  It actually made me calm and feel relaxed.  I am sure half of that was due to my instructor constantly telling me to calm down, and the sheer enjoyment of being praised when I did a manoeuvre right.  I got to feel proud of an accomplishment.

So I am working on it and I am hoping that my trip to the States, my trip HOME, will make me feel relaxed and slowed down and an opportunity for everyone to just "give me a moment."

And now an add that makes all of us laugh our behinds off (the Sprout too...)


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