Thursday, July 8, 2010

Saving face

If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be? Or would you change anything at all?

I took this to mean my face, only because most people would want to be thinner or something along those lines.  I would like to have smaller breasts, nursing doesn't help that at all.

I honestly can say I wouldn't change anything about my face (except maybe to have the mole removed that is on my temple, it is pretty huge).  I seem to look under 25 eventhough I am 32, so why would I change that?  I like my nose, it has a cute little mole on it and though when I get to see a side view, it is a little larger that I expect, I still like it.  I like the shape of my eyes (I have really long lashes) and mouth (a perfect heart shape) and I think my forehead is just the right length.  So really, I would change nothing, not even my ears.  In fact I like the way I look so much that I hardly ever wear make-up.

So I would like to take this opportunity to thank the "science of genes" (have you seen that oil of oly commercial?  I mean come on, the "science of genes"?), and my parents for creating such a face.

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