Wednesday, July 7, 2010

9 months and going places

And now for the bum scoot (you may have to go to my website to watch the video):

9 months!  For Heaven's sake.

Yesterday, the Sprout started developing his butt scoots.  He is getting better at it, whenever we have a camera on him though, he decides not to really do it.  Anyway, here is a little taste, and a little show of just how cute he is.

He is now really good at shoving me away when I am doing something he doesn't want me to, and cries a little when I take away something he wants.  He can say "dada" but doesn't know what that means. He can feed himself peas and nurse almost entirely on his own (I still have to provide the milk).

1 comment:

Jessika said...

Sorry that is such bad quality, might have to do something about that.