Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer for a weekend

The National Blog people didn't give us anything to write about this weekend so I will comment on the lovely Friday and Saturday we had.  It got into the mid 70's and was sunny, with that awesome 4 o'clock downpour that I love.

The Sprout and I went to the park yesterday and he played with a stick (because it was the only thing I would let him put into his mouth).  We had fun.  The best part was looking up at the leaves under a tree while the wind blew.  He got his little dancey legs going and wiggled away with little pterodactyl noises.  I have a video, but am having a hard time getting it off my phone.

I actually planted some flowers this year and they have really bushed out.

I also planted some golf ball carrots, radishes and leeks.  We also have a few tomato plants that came from the compost, so I put some of those in pots.

1 comment:

Bryna said...

I'm a little behind in my blog reading! :) Your flowers look beautiful and Sprout is adorable. I'm interested to see how the cloth diaper experiment goes! It was so great to see you at the wedding!