Today The Sprout turned 7 weeks old and now weighs 8lb 11oz!!! Amazing! I can't believe he is that big. He is starting to fit into the 0-3 month old clothes.
He is just getting to that size so he will be able to wear them for a month or 2 (probably just a month) but I love them! He can wear the grey onsie too...I am glad I started trying clothes on him because there are a few cute ones I might have missed, everything still looks like they would be huge, but now they fit!
Jess, He is beautiful! I'm so glad to see him in the winter clothes, I was nervous they would never get worn :)
He is just getting to that size so he will be able to wear them for a month or 2 (probably just a month) but I love them! He can wear the grey onsie too...I am glad I started trying clothes on him because there are a few cute ones I might have missed, everything still looks like they would be huge, but now they fit!
Beautiful boy. Love the rerindeer top.
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