Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2 Months

Man, I can't believe it has been 2 months.  No wonder I am not tired anymore, I am used to doing everything in 3 hour intervals.  I get anxious when it has been more than 3 hours.

Let's see what has the Sprout achieved...

  1. He smiles allot, but still not long enough or predictable enough for a picture.
  2. He fixes his gaze on things and on Richard and me.
  3. He can finally fully breast feed.
  4. He is awake more during the day.
  5. He can almost hold his head up.
  6. He has stopped being so cranky when we change him or give him baths.
  7. He gets his first round of shots on Monday.
  8. He has the beginnings of a laugh going and makes little coo noises.
  9. He fits into size 0-3 month clothes.

Last week Miki finally inducted the Sprout into the family by giving him a head rub on his head.  It was really sweet.  He is now a full fledge member of the family and is now allowed to worship her as she sees fit.

We are going down South to the Osborne's for Christmas next week.  We will be staying for a few days.  It will be the last Christmas at the house, because they finally sold it.

Richard and I attended the Pace Christmas Party on Friday.  It was the first time we had been away from the Sprout at the same time.  Richard's sister was kind enough to babysit.  She also took me to White Rose Shopping Centre in Leeds.  It was actually fun and it was the first time I had taken the Sprout on a real outing.  It was a little intimidating, but he slept the majority of the time, except when the 3 hours was up and I had to feed him.  I opted to feed him with a bottle because it was our first time out and I am not quite ready to breast feed in public, or in a bathroom for that matter.

The Sprout will officially be an international traveler at the end of the month.  We will be flying to Seattle on the 31st for New Year's and to spend time with the parents.  I am so excited to go home, it has been a year!!! The longest I have ever gone...EVER.

1 comment:

Dot said...

Just found your blog via cavemother.blogspot and wanted to say hello. Our (second) baby is nicknamed Sprout too so I am feeling the happy glow of coincidence. Our Sprout was born in September so he's a little older than yours, but not by much. I'll keep visiting to see how your little Sprout grows.