How cool to do a TAT on Thanksgiving! Now I have extra pressure to turn up an excellent TAT, I don't know if I am up to the challenge this year. Last year I turned out a good one, but I will have to try extra hard this year.
While I think of something...
What the Sprout is thankful for:
Yesterday was the Sprout's real due date. We had him weighed and he is now 6lbs 11oz (he gained a pound and 3oz in 2 weeks)! almost a real birth weight! Very exciting, he is still very tiny though. So we all know the Sprout is thankful for "Mommy Milk" (copyrighted by my mom). He also seems to be thankful for Michael Buble and the shadows on the wall next to the kitchen, as well as his mommy singing "Skylark" when he is sleepy-awake and disposable didies (also copyrighted by my mom).
I am still thinking...
Random thoughts on mommy hood:
Mommy hood is really tiring, especially with Richard at work. During the day it really does feel like I am single mommying it. Every other thing that has stressed and overwhelmed me in life does't even come close to the stress of being the only one who can feed a tiny being. And I must say that this week I finally hit the breaking point...there is no other exhaustion that can compare, not even the days where I would go for 4 days without sleep because of my horrible insomnia. In fact, I thought that annoying condition would help me, but it doesn't because I have no trouble sleeping, but having to personally produce food is so physically exhausting, like having the stomach flu exhausting.
Coming up blank...
This year's Thanksgiving festivities:
This year's Thanksgiving festivities will be taking place on December 5th. It seems to be really hard to get 8 people together at the same time in November. Auntie Cathy made a really cool Turkey bib that the Sprout will be sporting for the occasion. This year will be the 5th Thanksgiving I have hosted, meaning I have spent 5 Thanksgivings away from home, but also that I am becoming awesome at making Thanksgiving Dinner...So in 25 years, the Allen's will have their new Thanksgiving person. All of us Allen cousins find our place eventually.
I am getting it...
What I am thankful for:
This year I have a special place in my heart for family. Last year I considered this one of the generic "Thankful fors" but this year family is especially special. Not only can I say that I have my own family to be thankful for, but I can say that I am insanely grateful for my preexisting family of about 40 strong. This thankfulness comes from years of layers that have been glimpsed under only to be kept hidden and left to mold and stink. This year however, there was finally a deep cleaning and the carpet was replaced and the dirty laundry taken out, and because of this, the family has gotten stronger. Oh, there are still tiny holes in the fabric that are being decided whether or not they should be mended or if the garment should simply be thrown away, but finally we are all on the same page and can now start with a fresh coat of paint. And this is what I am truly grateful for this year.
For all the other things I have learned to be thankful for visit Thankful Anyway Thursday.
1 comment:
Nicely said Jess, good analogy.
And, I hear we get to sleep again eventually. That I am nervous about.
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