Many have begun to ask for a list of baby things. It takes me back to doing my wedding registry...a little stressful, and as many know, I hate making these lists (it is weird to ask people for a breast pump...but that's what they said to do). They make me feel needy. Once again, I have to remind myself that people have asked for my list and that my list is only a suggestion. As always, the items I list do not have to be bought from the place I made my list at. I just find it easier to make a list on Amazon because they have EVERYTHING. I am also using the UK Amazon site for easy shipping, but I do realize the conversion isn't so great at the moment.
I am also asking that people take a look at Etsy.com for items people have made. I really love this site. I am including links to a sling I really like. Also, if you are an Ebayer, buy things from Ebay. They are way cheaper and a lot of the time you can get brand new items that you don't have to bid on and are from reputable stores. The problem with using Ebay is that you have to set up and account, which includes setting up a Paypal account, but if you already use Ebay or have been wanting to, go for it.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- I plan on using a sling for the Sprout. The thought of using a pram gives me an anxiety attack.
- I plan on using cloth diapers, and will most likely be using a diaper service, however, I would love to have cloth diapers of my own in case I don't mind doing the laundering myself. Anything that can save me money.
- We do have friends who are planning on giving us clothes...however, I understand the need to want to buy them. This is also to say, hand-me-downs are welcome.
- People have asked me about colours. I am keeping the aqua, red and brown theme. Also, at the moment we live in a one bedroom house. Our bedroom is huge and will comfortably fit a crib, however, I plan on having the Sprout sleep with me.
- Classic children's books are welcome even if they are used (please buy used if you want).
- I am planning on coming home in January for Amanda's wedding, so if you would like to wait until then, I will be bringing a second suitcase. There is a 50% chance of me being home the second part of September, in which case, I will have a second suitcase then as well.
I hope this answers any questions and that I have not been presumptuous. It is hard being over here and not having people to collaborate with on this type of stuff.
The link to my Amazon Wish List and stuff from Etsy is down below. I might add my list in the side bar that will stay on the site and you will see it every time you read my blog on the web (hint, hint for all of you who only read my e-mails).
Amazon Wish List (I have put the priority levels on the items)
Etsy slings (these are all from the same person and the same sling but they are the fabrics I like, if they are sold, just look for something similar):
I also like the Mei Tai style slings
I like the way you're starting here. Expect a load of hand-me-down books every time you come home!
Never, EVER, hold back from asking for stuff for baby! lol
We've had many hand-me downs and it's been wonderful. A lot of people will not offer b/c they think they might offend you. It saves you a ton, is eco-friendly, and it's fun too.
Nice to 'meet' you.
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