Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How did I do it??

I have been put on sick leave indefinitely...well for the rest of my pregnancy. It has been 2 and a half weeks since I last worked and I am sooooooo bored. Now just so you all know, I am not the kind of sick where I feel horrible all the time, in fact I feel pretty good, the problem is if I am standing or walking around for more than 20 minutes my abdomen cramps so bad that I double over and yell out in pain. My GP has assured me there is nothing wrong with the baby, my body is just complicated. It has too many problems dealing with pain and because the fibromyalgia, my muscles just freak out (is that lamen's enough for you?) So in other words, I can't do my job because it is all about standing and running around on hard surfaces, not to mention heavy lifting.

So now, I am forced to be at home. Most people can find little things to do around the house, but I am not kidding when I say, I have done all of those little things. I can't paint the walls because I am in a rented house, I can't dress up a nursery because we only have one bedroom and no money. I can't even garden because I don't have a car to retrieve materials. Oh, and another thing...don't suggest going somewhere as a major option because I have no car and therefore have to walk everywhere (remember the 20 min rule?).

For the first 2 weeks I managed to bake a loaf of bread every other day...or so (a daily sized loaf, which still means consuming 2 cups of flour in a day, why would I want Richard to have any?), I did some meticulous cleaning, knitted, read 3 books, washed the dishes every day, and actually took time to play with the cat.

I used to spend massive amounts of time unemployed and I was severely depressed and I think that helped me cope with being bored and watching TV all day. But since I have been pregnant, I am unable to be depressed and it is doing my head in!! Worst of all, my days are relatively long...I get up between 4:30 am-8:30 am (depending on my back) and I go to bed to read around 11:00 pm and fall asleep around 12:30 am-2:00 am (also depending on my back, the more uncomfortable I am, the earlier I will go to sleep. Very strange.)

At least tomorrow we get to go in for the ultrasound that will let us know (hopefully with some cooperation) what combination of X and Y chromosomes the Sprout has. I am hoping that will allow me to have more ideas for something to do. Woo Hoo!!

1 comment:

Ms. Molly said...

Jess, I'm sorry you aren't able to leave the house practically. I won't suggest anything for you to do because I'm sure that gets annoying. I'm excited to hear if you will have a boy or girl! Have you used the Chinese Lunar Calendar to predict gender?