I was reading The Seattle Times and it seems that the Top Chef Season 6 auditions are underway and have just left Seattle. I have always been interested in what the process was for being on one of these shows. It seems all you have to do is refer to the website. So I went to Bravo, and there you can see what shows are auditioning people and the application forms involved. I wish I could put the .pdf up for Top Chef, but you should check it out...it is a really long questionnaire.
If you are looking to be on ANY reality program, you can check out RealityWanted, where you can see all the stupid ideas producers have come up with for an excuse to watch people make fools of themselves and give The Soup a reason to be on the air (I love The Soup). Actually, I was really enjoying this website. It reminded me of when I wanted to be in plays, cruising the newspapers looking for auditions, but I think I will pass on Paris Hilton's My New BFF 2...doesn't Paris Hilton have enough skanky friends already? This is really funny though, here is the casting call for Paris Hilton's BFF 2:
"Paris Hilton’s My New BFF is back for a part deux.
The Heiress to American Royalty extends her most exclusive invitation to expand her A-List Clique Do you long to strut into the world's most elite hotspots without a care in the world except how fabulous you are?
Ever wish the velvet ropes didn't exclude you from the social circles of the A-List? How about the fantasy of jet setting around the world with the ultimate BFF, whose fierce style, charisma and star power is only matched by your own. Now that's hot!
Paris is granting the opportunity of a lifetime to one girl or “fabulous” guy who has what it takes to join Paris Hilton's inner circle.
Finally, you have the chance to show the world that you have what it takes to achieve social stardom; allowing you unprecedented access to young Hollywood as never before. Loves It!"
My favourite part:
"Doron Ofir Casting is enlisting only the “Hottest Bitches” and the most “Fabulously Fierce Guys” who are at least the age of 21 and appear under 30. TTYS!"
And then there is MTV, the home of reality tv (at least in my opinion...The Real World people...did you know they are casting for Real World 22...I am so old). They have a list of shows they are ready to cast including your own show for Spring Break.
Hey mom...they are going to have a show called The Ballet School Project...another dance show for us to watch.
Well, just in case you are bored and interested, I am going to add some links for other reality TV casting websites:
ABC reality shows
Anyway, just a fun post for those who were interested.
1 comment:
From D:
I saw clips of Ms. Hilton's reality show (thanks to The Soup) and was shocked and disgusted. I would never humiliate myself to be someone's friend. (I would however, humiliate myself to embarrass my friends!). Being a mild celebrity gossip addict, I feel I have a very keen insight on Hollywood. That, coupled with my A- in psychology 101 at university, makes me qualified to give a psychoanalysis of Ms. Hilton. The show is an obvious money making venture for Ms. Hilton. However, deep down I bet she is a very lonely girl. Her narcicism is so all encompassing that it is toxic to everyone around her. She chooses to hang out with people who might provide a good photo opp, and the people who choose to hang out with her feel the same. Her former "friends" have commented how their friendship ended when the cameras pointed away from Paris. Ms. Hilton's world begins and ends with the flash of the cameras. Without those flashes, she has no self worth. She has no concept of what a true human connection means. To have true friends one must, at times, be self-LESS. Real love feeds the soul, whether it is family love, friendship love or romantic love. I think this is why she is so damn skinny. Her soul is withering away. So, part of me feels sorry for Paris. Though, like most Americans I would love to be rich, I would never trade what I have for her life or to be a part of her life.
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