Thursday, November 17, 2011

The plague, again.

I haven't been keeping up with the daily prompts, but I have an excuse, I swear.

The Sprout has been sick for the past week.  Richard got his first "please come pick up your child" from the nursery last Friday.  He has had a horrible cough that has sparked two incidences of projectile vomiting (luckily in the kitchen). He had a high fever for a couple of days and he has reverted to infant status.  He only naps if he is lying on me, wakes immediately if I put him down.  He won't eat, always whines and wants to be carried everywhere. He wakes up every hour at night with a horrible cough. Needless to say, I can't get anything done.  I have many crafts I want to start!

So there you go.

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