Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We almost blew away

We have had quite the storm these past few days as Hurricane Katia's arms swept across our fair isle.  Many other areas of the country had it worse, but 70 mph winds are pretty horrible.  What I think is funny though, is that what we had here was much like a normal Winter Storm in Western Washington.  The difference is, in England not many people lost power whereas in Western Washington EVERYONE without a generator would have lost power.

Loosing power is one of the things I enjoy about a storm. Everything is so still, you get a fire going and it is like camping inside.  I like that there is nothing you can do about it.  Then when the power comes back, it is extremely exciting and the first thing you do is FLUSH THE TOILET, because a septic system doesn't work if there is no power.  When I was little and there was a trail to the creek out back, we would go collect water and flush the toilets with that.  But now there is no path, so it is a little more difficult.

What I found interesting about this storm was that it was mainly a wind storm.  Huge rain clouds swept by at high speeds, but never really let go.  There were some mists of rain, but no down pour. Instead it was sunny, and warm.

The Sprout loves the wind.  So we had all kinds of fun outside.  He laughed and laughed when the winds really picked up, and the cat went crazy, trying to catch all the leaves wizzing by.

But unfortunately my sun flowers didn't make it.  After all of the trouble I went through fighting of snail and slugs and then being amazed that they grew back with multiple heads instead of just one, they met their demise...the wind.


Jessika said...

Ok so I was informed that the Septic system doesn't run on electricity, it is the water pump that pumps the water to the house. Either way, if the power goes out, we don't have water.

Mr. S said...

I have been enjoying city life for 10 years now in that when the power goes out, the toilets still flush because we were on city water. now i am the proud owner of a septic system and will have this problem again if the power goes out.....and no creek. the sprout is just like his uncle, i LOVE the wind too!