Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Catching up with us

Ms. Molly calls this Trivial Tuesday, and I know she wouldn't mind if I stole that title, but I think it would make it sound like I would do this every Tuesday.  But I usually work on Tuesdays, so I wouldn't be able to promise anything.

I am loving my Barefoot shoes.  My only critique is that the ankle support part digs into my ankle because they didn't put any padding in it.  I added my own and they are a dream to wear.  I can wear them at work and my back, hips and legs are pain free.  As soon as I can find a cheaper pair, I am going to get a pair of Barefoot trainers.

The Sprout and I went on our first trip to Saltaire since last Summer.  He was very good, until I took him out of the stroller to walk around.  Let me tell you, once those little guys learn to walk and run, that is all they want to do and they don't care that there is a road right next to them.  The Sprout is an expert tantrum thrower ( I wonder where he gets that?)  and ended up on lying on the side-walk because I wouldn't let him go.  The people waiting outside the bakery were amused.  This is how I know that I have graduated to "mom with a toddler" status.  When the Sprout was new, I hated the thought of people thinking I was a bad mom because I let the baby cry, now...let me tell you, I don't care and I actually laugh.  The only thing I care about is making sure his head doesn't smack the ground as he falls dramatically to the floor.  I did finally buy him a kind of halter which is disguised as a backpack.  It is coming in the mail and I can't wait to get it.

I got the bee one because it was the cheapest and still cute.

On our trip, the Sprout was amused by all the birds on the canal and some back hoes dredging the bottom of the canal (he found that particularly hilarious).

Richard and I had food poisoning last week from eating bad brie.  It was horrible to say the least.

I am so happy that it is light at 6 am, but sad that at the end of the month the clocks will move forward.

I have so many books on my Kindle that it is hard to stick to one book.  At the moment I am reading 1984 which I am really enjoying.  I am surprised that I have never read it before, but that is what I get from going to Community College for my last 2 years of High School, I think it was mandatory reading at the High School.

I really love doing photography and I have decided that I should submit some of my photos for competitions just for fun.  Before I submit any, I found a website called dailyawards.com.  There your pictures are objectively rated (you can't get your friends to all log in and vote) and critiqued by the community and there are daily awards for the picture with the highest scores.  The scores rack up somehow eventually, so you aren't at the bottom everyday.  The people who have won the most have more weight when they rate a picture than someone who has just started out (which is good).  Anyway, it has been a real good way to see how others see my work, and it will let me grow as a photographer.  So far people really like my picture of the Sprout holding the shovel  and a couple of pictures I took at Whitby Abbey a couple of years ago.

The one of the Sprout is by far doing the best of the five I have up with a score of  6.9 out of 10.  Which I think is really good for a photo I just randomly took and hasn't been edited at all.  I called it "Little Archaeologist."

Last week, the Sprout decided that he needed to use a binki.  This is so weird because he has never had any interest in using one.  It was decided that he must have needed something to soothe him of his new independence from me.  We stopped breast feeding almost two months ago and he doesn't need me to get from point A to point B any more.  I wish he had discovered his thumb, a stuffed animal or a blanket instead.  But for the moment, as long as it isn't in all the time (which he would love), we can let it slide.

Anyway, that is about it.  I don't post much because I have been way to tired at night to write and during the day, the Sprout would never let me get a chance.  When he is napping, I have things to clean or I just want to sit.  I have decided it is ok to just sit.

1 comment:

Ms. Molly said...

Jess, It's great to read an update. I totally get the not having time/energy to write. I'm so not looking forward to tantrums, good thing they are so cute.