What's one thing you think it's worth spending money on? What's one thing you always cheap out on?
I had to look around the house for this one because it seems I cheap out on everything. I want to start buying real stuff, like real furniture, not IKEA furniture, but real furniture. I would love to go to an antiques auction and get furniture that has been loved, that is real wood and has been constructed by someone other than me. I love ebay, the amount of really good stuff you can buy for super cheap is amazing (once you learn to snipe, bidding on things is a breeze) and I have just started getting into selling my own stuff there too.
What I really cheap out on though are clothes and I usually feel guilty for it. My mom often comments that if you buy cheap clothes you are supporting thousands of people being taken advantage of, and I know that. I took a year of globalization classes. The funny thing about this is that I wear clothes (weight permitting) for 5 plus years. I even continue to wear a piece of clothing once it gets holes or a stain on it. I have always been a fan of second hand clothes, and a funny thing about this is that when I was a teenager (yes grunge was in style) D and I used to go to Value Village sales...Value Village SALES! How cheap can you get?
The only thing I can think of that I don't mind spending money on is a plane ticket to my parent's. I don't even go on real holidays anymore, Richard and I still haven't been on a honeymoon and we are pretty desperate for a weekend getaway to Spain or something, but I don't mind racking up the debt on my credit card to go home to my parent's houses.
I also shell out the dough for cat food. I buy my cat real food, the kind with real meat and no junk.
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