The Sprout now weighs 18 lbs and I wish we would measure him.
Eight months is crazy. The Sprout comprehends allot. Such as making loud noises when mom isn't paying attention will get her attention. If you throw or drop things someone will bring it back to you and that Elmo and the cat are the funniest things ever.
He also likes Bob Ross
I got my first cuddle the other day, which was awesome! He likes to suck on my jaw, which I have decided are kisses. He manipulates little bits and pieces, is starting to be interested in those stackable cups and the plastic rings (I felt like such a mom when I bought those toys along with a rubber ducky...the quintessential baby toys). I had noticed that the rattles weren't doing it for him anymore, it seems he needs more advanced toys. He is also beginning to play with one of those bead roller coaster, maze things.
The Sprout likes to suck on toast, honeydew and rusks. He eats 3 meals a day and one or two snacks. Needless to say he nurses less, but still likes his nighttime, middle of the night, and morning milk feasts. I still try to nurse him after his meals and during the day when I pine for him to take a nap.
If he is sleepy, he will sleep for a couple of hours in his swing. An item I thought was retired. Of course he is nearing the max weight limit so it swings a little slow.
He is beginning to stand alone if he is holding on to something and can even bob up and down a little. He doesn't crawl or even really roll over. I do know he can roll from him tummy to his back, he just chooses not to.
The roll
We started taking baths together, which is super fun. I love it. We got him a little chair he can sit in and he really loves to play with the rubber ducks while he splashes around.
He loves being carried around in his sling, and I like using it more than a stroller, however, it is really hard to go long distances with it. We usually use it when we go for walks in the park and go to the nursery. I did take him to the doctor's in it a couple of weeks ago, but the journey was a little long and super tiring. Funnily enough, it doesn't hurt my back as much as you would think. It puts some strain on my lower back, but not where I have been having back pain.
We are having a good time even though I am super tired all the time and my back is in pain and I need a break.
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