Oh man, 5 months old, and he only seems to do new things everyday.
There are a couple of things that he has started doing:
- Babbling constantly. He babbles for at least 20 minutes in the morning while he is waiting for us to get out of bed and then can continue forever.
- Can be happy to sit in his car seat all by himself.
- He grabs toys and shoves them in his face (I assume he is aiming for his mouth). He can also hold things on his own.
- He has a real laugh, that sounds like a laugh...so cute.
- Smiles at almost everything and everyone.
- He has started to show the signs of rolling over. He creeps onto one of his shoulders...by the end of the week I am sure he will be falling on the floor.
I found out that my Chiropractor does pediatric chiropractic and so I took the Sprout to him to see if he can help his tummy. We found that he is quite tight in his Thoracic 5 area, he has a little knot in his rhomboid. This area is where the nerve for the digestive tract is. He told me that the reason many babies get colic is because they can't walk or sit up and so they can't loosen the back muscles when they get bunched up. Many babies get over colic around 6 months when they can begin to crawl or move around on their own. We also found that he is tight in his neck. I noticed that he hardly ever turned his head to the right, if he did, it was only for a second, so we are going to work on that too. All this gets fixed by some gentile massage.
We also started baby yoga, which I think will be fun.
He is so sweet, and getting so big! I can't wait to see you guys again and for you to meet Charlotte I think they will look like cousins in pictures :)
I cannot wait to squeeze him! Mason highly recommends baby massage. I have a book, but you can probably find similar sequences on the internet. D
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