Monday, February 22, 2010

18 weeks

I can't believe he is 18 weeks old!!!  I had him weighed today and he weighs 13 lbs 11 oz!!  When I go to the play groups I am amazed at how long he is compared to the other babies his age (I should measure him).  On Friday he slept through the night, not even waking to be nursed.  He is beginning to grow some of his hair back and it seems to be coming in the same colour as before.

He has finally found his hands, not just for sucking, but as means of entertainment.  He is usually playing with them when I wake up (his sucking is quite noisy and tends to wake me up).  He really love to watch what is going on around him and is especially interested in the other babies and toddlers in the groups we go to.

Spring doesn't seem to be in the cards here.  It is still snowing at least once a week and hovers around freezing during the day (just enough to melt the snow or make it icy).  In fact, the forecast calls for snow all week...I am ready for the snow to go away and have it be spring.

I am so glad that ski cross is a sport in the Olympic was awesome!!!

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