This picture has nothing to do with this post but it made me laugh my pants off.
I don’t think i can stress enough how much I hate February. Actually the end of January and to the beginning of March is my most hated part of the year. February seems dark to me. Maybe because it just rains constantly, there are no real holidays to look forward to (I don’t consider Valentine’s Day a viable holiday), and the high of the holiday season is definitely over. All the decorations have been put away, and all the plants outside are completely dead. You can’t get excited for the coming of spring either because who knows when spring will come? Maybe we’ll get lucky and it will come in March, or it will be a typical year and it won’t come until the end of April.
So this year, when I started to notice my February blues coming on (whilst trying to console an inconsolable baby and feeling a bit home sick meshed with a bit of cabin fever), I ran across the street to my neighbour’s and slipped her a note telling her that I needed to get out of the house. She was nice enough to come over and gave me a big hug (mind you I have only met this lady once when the Sprout was born) and took the Sprout from me and she invited us to a weekly toddler group at the local Catholic Church.
As we entered the Sunday school area I entered my future, a place of 1-4 year olds (there were about 4 babies the Sprout’s age there too) and massive chaos. When the session got started there were about 15 little kids running, screaming and pushing each other around while playing with all kinds of plastic toys that made horrible sounds. But in the midst of all this din and anarchy, there were parents, a couple of dads and many moms, who were more than ready to talk to me. Once they found out the Sprout was my first child they asked me if he was good and how was I finding life. What I found most interesting was that many of these people started coming to these sessions to meet people, most of them were lonely and didn’t know many other adults even though they may have been living in the area for a couple of years.
All in all I had a good time and will be joining them again tomorrow at the local kid’s place (a kind of Chucky Cheese place). I figure I have no reason not to go, since all I have to look forward to is February.
I don't
I'm glad you've joined a play group and are out there meeting some other moms. At least V-Day means lots of chocolate to look forward to...
supposedly chocolate gives babies tummy i cant even look forward to that...
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