Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday funnies and some bits and bobs

I wanted to add some random stuff as well as deliver the Friday Lolcats.

Anyone looking for some crafts?  I came across a great blog called The Long Thread, they have some pretty cool projects that look pretty easy.  I really need a sewing machine.

I found out why our cellar is so damp...the neighbours have a leak.  The water guys were out to fix it yesterday (that is why I know what happened), so I am hoping Richard calls the property management people to at least let them know it isn't our fault and we may find that the landlord has a dehumidifier we can use.  If not we may buy one...I like them because they help my back..

Has anyone checked out the new FOX show Glee?  It is on FOX Wednesdays at 9.  Hilarious.  It is about a high school glee club, adult humour and worth a look.

I am very excited for the movie Zombieland to come out.  It comes out here in the UK next weekend, I think it comes out this weekend in the US.  We are definitely going to have to spend the money to go see it.  Infact I am so excited I am adding the trailer below:

At the end of each week, I am going to try to give reviews of the horror flicks I saw as part of my Horror Movie-Thon.  I will be rating the originality of the villain, killings, and story; the continuity of the plot; the horror, gore and creepiness factors; and the sequel potential: and of course how watchable it was.  I may have some gaps.  I haven't decided if I should review classic horror flicks and movies I have seen a million times.  I might just write a little on why I decided they should be watched every year.

And now the moment you have all been waiting this week was difficult, too many good ones:
It's Lolcats to the rescue:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goin' to see Zombieland this weekend. I love me a good zombie movie.

I am in stitches over the "Dude... wait what?" cat. Perhaps I identify with it a bit too much? Ahhhh the "good old days". . . gone but never forgotten. D