Monday, September 28, 2009

Marriage, not just for the straights

I joined the Courage Campaign a while ago because I feel strongly for the rights of Gay and Lesbians to be allowed to marry.  In fact, I don't even know why it is an issue.  I understand the right of the church to refuse marriage, I even understand the right to be against it, however, I don't understand why the State doesn't allow it.  Here in Britain, Gays and Lesbians can have a Civil Union.  In fact you can even get a marriage visa for it.  I don't understand what the people of the U.S. are so afraid of.  People try to argue that Homosexuality destroys families and tatters the moral fabric of the country.  I don't see how this is a valid argument seeing as how the divorce rate among first marriages is 50% and the molestation and child abuse rate encompasses all people.

I can't believe there are laws in some States that prohibit gay marriage.  This map (click on it to make larger) and legend is from Dym-Sum:

Green = Same-sex marriage is legal.
Lime green = Same-sex marriage used to be legal (California).
Yellow = Legalization of same-sex marriage is in progress, either via legislation or judicial action.
Pink = Same-sex marriages performed elsewhere are recognized; no legislation has been introduced to legalize same-sex marriage at this time.
Purple = Same-sex marriage legislation has been introduced, but no committee votes or House/Assembly or Senate roll calls have taken place yet.
Lilac = Same-sex marriage or same-sex union legislation was previously introduced, but no action was taken during most recent session, or legislation failed.
Orange = Civil unions or domestic/registered partnerships exist for same-sex couples; no legislation or judicial action is in progress for legalization of same-sex marriage.
Red = Same-sex marriages are neither legal nor recognized, due to statute, constitutional amendment, or both; no option (civil unions or domestic partnerships) for same-sex couples exists
Black = All same-sex unions (marriage, civil union, domestic partnership) are banned/not recognized via constitutional amendment.

And the European comparrison (also from Dym-Sum):

Green = Same-sex marriage is legal.
Purple = Same-sex marriage or registered partnership legislation has been introduced or considered.
Orange = Civil unions or registered partnerships exist for same-sex couples.
Yellow = Unregistered cohabitation exist for same-sex couples (see: Croatia)
Pink = Same-sex unions performed elsewhere are recognized (see: Isle of Man.
Red = Same-sex marriages are neither legal nor recognized, via statute or constitution
Grey = There are no laws either allowing or banning same-sex marriages or unions; same-sex marriages and unions are considered not recognized in these nations.
Black = Vatican City, where one can be certain that same-sex marriages will neverbe legalized.

I am shocked by the ads that are put on TV, but was intrigued that the anti-gay marriage commercial for Maine, who is looking to repeal their gay marriage law in November. Below is a revamped version of the anti-gay marriage commercial that was shown in California, using the same actors and everything.

Come on America, get a grip.  I am baffled at why, in a country that values their freedom and fights so hard for the Constitution would be so judgmental and  bigoted against a group of people who want to make their love for their partner official.  Who want to be allowed to visit their partner in the hospital as next of kin, and who want to share mortgages, adopt children and make life and death decisions together.  Why doesn't it make sense for them to have the same freedoms as straight couples?  In my opinion, it is a crime and it disgraces the United States, land of opportunity and freedom, to not let Gays and Lesbians marry.

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