Deluxe Organic Veg Box
Ever since Mrs. S posted about her
Dandilion Produce Delivery, (
in August 2008) I have wanted to have local produce delivered to my house, but couldn't find a place that delivered to my area (
plus at the time of the post I lived in the city in an apartment block and therefore didn't have anywhere for the boxes to go if I wasn't home.) I finally found a place and we have had fruits and vegis delieverd 3 times now. We were able to find
Abel & Cole and I have been really happy with it. It has taken a few deliveries to figure out what is best for our needs but I think I finally found it...the
medium organic fruit box and the
medium organic vegi box. Together this comes to £22.93 a week, which I think is good. I don't have to buy produce from the big supermarket, so I am supporting local farmers, and it is fun to have to come up with new receipies with the veg we get. They also have organic meats and supplimental fruits and vegis, but the meat is too expensive for us at the moment
(although I would love to try it out eventually).
Oh, such pretty veggies! You should post pics of all the deliveries you get...I'm glad you are doing this, it's so much fun to see what you get and try new things. I'd love to start eating only local/organic meat & produce. I think we do well on the produce front but with meat we have a long way to go...
it makes me mad that local/organic meat has to be so much more expensive than grocery store meat. I guess I should just make up the cost by using meat as a supplement rather than the main course, but I like my meat.
mmmmmm, I am so glad these services are out there. I feel lucky to live in an area where I have access to farmers markets and local farm stands. Delivery services make these foods accessible to more people. I was watching a TV special where they pointed out that in many inner cities liquor stores and convenience stores out number actual grocery stores 40 to 1. No wonder we have a health care crisis in the US. I buy most of my produce from local stands now. The last time I bought from the grocery store it tasted like crap. If that was what was presented to me as what vegetables and fruit tasted like, I wouldn't eat my greens either. D
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