I can't spell Halloween without singing that song...

I have a long running tradition that I came up with years ago that in October, I would watch at least 1 scary movie a day for the whole month. A pumpkin would be carved a week before Halloween while watching It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. On All Hallows Eve a candle will be lit in the morning and extinguished at midnight, spaghetti is consumed (as per the Barnett family tradition) and the pumpkin will be lobbed out the window before bed.
Now, every year I have to come up with a list of ghoulish movies to watch...a whole month's worth. I like at least half to be movies I haven't seen. Because this is a long standing tradition for me, I have seen a heck of a lot of horror films and as such I am not picky as to the quality of the film (they can't all be Night of the Living Dead).
This year I have gotten off to a head start. I have a pretty good list going, an because this is a blog, I am going to share it with you.
Movies I haven't seen:
- April Fool's Day
- Cat People
- Grindhouse/Planet Terror
- Night of Demons
- The Quiet Family
- Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
- King of the Zombies
- Zombi 2
- Leprechaun 1-3
- Exorcist 3
- Friday the 13th 1 (maybe more)
- Slither
- American Werewolf in London
- Evil Dead
- Evil Dead 2
- The Army of Darkness
- Shaun of the Dead
- Nightmare On Elm Street 1 (maybe more)
- Halloween 1
- Dawn of the Dead
- It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
- Dog Soldiers
- Disney's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
- How I Met Your Mother- "The Slutty Pumpkin"
- The Simpson's Tree house of Horror Series
- South Park Halloween Episodes: "Pink Eye," "Spooky Fish," "Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery," "Hell on Earth 2006,"
Now eventhough I have this list, I always like to get ideas from everyone else.
You are so much braver then me, I just can't do the whole scary/horror movie thing. We do watch The Great Pumpkin and carve pumpkins with friends every year. Usually I make french onion soup for the pumpkin party too!
(Sorry. I sent you an email of the following and forgot to post it here instead. So here goes again.)
I can't tell you how glad I am that you have put together this tradition. Halloween is one of my favorites too. Remember the "Haunted House" with the black lights we had that one year? I always wanted to do that again with you guys but... For your list, I watched Donnie Darko (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0246578/) the other night. Not real scary, but pretty good. Try Pumpkinhead (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095925/) You might get a rush with that one! Another bloody one is Hellraiser (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093177/) which gave rise to Pinhead. And, A Series of Unfortunate Events (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0339291/) with Jim Carey is pretty Halloweeny, dark and gritty ala Tim Burton. Oh, yah, don't forget Goonies! It's hard to come up with truly scary stuff without getting morbidly disgusting, but I will "keep an eye out" (now THAT is scary)! Richard should try to develop a scary creature in Maya for you. You know, your own little mascot to get you through the "holiday".
Have fun!!
I love Donnie Darko, it is one of my favourites...I thought about having it on my list but never got it there (it should really be on the every year list).
I have yet to see Pumpkinhead (Danny had suggested that also). Last year Hellraiser was my series of the month. I really love the first 3, gets a little boring after that.
Really any Tim Burton movie could be put into this category for a fantasy twist...however, Edward Scissor Hands is strictly reserved for Christmas.
And I do remember that haunted house that you put up in the garage...I still have the skull poster somewhere and the blacklight portrait you made.
Which portrait? I did several of the Doors in high school. The one that probably survived is of Ray Manzarek. It is oval and looks like Uncle Ron by coincidence. If it is OMG! I need a picture of it. Whee!!
I have to add Re-Animator to the every year list...I forgot. I love that movie.
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